Life Lately–again!


The perfect sockbun (finally) courtesy of the sock-bun net available at H&M.  It’s a life changer.  A (womanly Winking smile) canvas painting* I did with puffy glue and thin coat of white acrylic paint.  A refreshing drink that looked so cute with Laura’s girls-night-out orange nail polish.  The perfect grilled chicken sandwich on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


Grilled asparagus on Easter afternoon (I used a marinade of EVOO, salt, black pepper, lemon, garlic, paprika and a bit of balsamic vinegar).  My new sweet mint plant – I can’t wait to add those leaves to iced-tea this summer!  Breakfast potatoes courtesy of The Pioneer Woman – job well done, seeeester!

*For the record, I couldn’t get Elmer’s Glue to puff up enough on the canvas.  Not even close – if it worked for you, you’re a better woman than I!  4 coats of the weak stuff and still nothing.  Save yourself the time and use puffy paint or a raised glue.  Tip from me to you, my friend.
