
Only 18 months apart, we’ve obviously always been close. Some people meet us and immediately gasp, “You look like twins!” while others can’t believe we’re even related. Our relatives would probably tell you we’re as different as can be, but there’s no one in the world that understands us better than each other.

We share a lot. A love of our family, sense of humor, clothing and wine that comes by the carafe. And while our opinions and ideas diverge at many, MANY points along the way, its impossible to imagine what our lives would be like without each other.

We started this blog for the same reason everyone starts a blog: to have a creative outlet for things that inspire us and make us laugh, to push ourselves to try new things and to have a diary of sorts for this crazy-but-awesome time in our lives.

Thanks for joining us on the ride… we’re excited to see what comes next!

15 thoughts on “About

  1. We are passing along the blog love and have nominated you for the Lovely Little Blog Award 🙂
    Here are the rules of acceptance:
    1.Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
    2.Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself.
    3.Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire.
    4.Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know you have nominated them and link back to them.

    -Chelsea & Cortnie

  2. I’ve just discovered your blog by coincidence and I love it. You are doing an awesome job.
    What makes finding your blog even more exciting for me, is that I’ll be going to Chicago beginning of September. So you’re practically a godsend. 🙂
    xo from Austria!
    Wonderful and Marvelous

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